Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Back To The RE We Go

So we have decided to try for number 2! Which is scary and exciting all at once.

I had my first appointment in early January. This was just a consult to get a plan in place and go over my history since my last time at the RE which was 5 years ago. The first thing the doctor suggested was a hysteroscopy to check for scare tissue in my uterus. I have had two previous surgeries plus an IUD, which have left scare tissue, and there was a concern about a pregnancy being able to implant. . I had that done in mid January and all looked great! He did find a small fibroid on my cervix, but isn't concerned.

The plan now is to start our first cycle in February.

With Kathryn the cycle that we got pregnant on was a Follistim, trigger, IUI cycle. Up to that point we had done Clomid, Trigger, IUI cycles (as well as 3 Clomid and timed intercourse cycles with my GYN) I always had great response to the Clomid and we never had any sprem issues.. Each cycle would result in multiple mature follicles (eggs) and Brett would have great counts at IUI time, but it never seemed to work. I think in all between the GYN and RE we did 8 clomid cycles. the injectable cycle seemed to do the trick! This time around we do not have any coverage for the drugs we will use. To start out as a way to save money we will be doing Clomid and injectables, I think CD 3-8 will be clomid and CD 9-111 will be injects (that's from memory the days may be a little off)

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